Our Core Values

Our Core Values

Core Values

This is different than our statement of faith—it has more to do with our vision and perspective. Our Core Values are the things we feel passionate about as a church.

CORE VALUES: (basic elements of how we go about our work)

We will honor Jesus and his church with integrity.
The church will strive to honor Jesus by our words and actions.

We will be spiritual contributors and not merely consumers.
The church doesn’t exist for us. We are the church and we exist for others.

We will strive for excellence in everything we do.
God expects our best and we will not insult Him with anything less.

We will choose to invest in the youth of the church.
Children are the future and we want them to become world changers.

We will be an innovative church.
We must be willing to try new ways and methods to teach biblical truths.

We will lead like Jesus by being extravagantly generous.
By giving our time, talents and treasures.

We will be a church that places a high emphasis on unity.
We are an example to the lost by our own attitudes and actions.

We will love, laugh, and worship together as a family.
We believe everyone needs community. We are one in Christ!

We will remember we serve a Big God who can do big things.
We believe that God can do more than we could ever ask or imagine.

We will be a church that avoids labels.
We believe your past is not nearly as important as your future in Christ.